Hello there! We are HoboVR Labs

Open Source is great

We are a group of independent developers in love with VR and tracking systems. We make tracking systems for breakfast and VR systems for dinner :P

Meet the Team

Who we are

We are mainly interested in open source VR development for SteamVR, as well as other software and tools required to make, maintain, and support VR systems.

Some of our members are interested in building full VR systems, others prefer making complimentary VR systems, and some just prefer to make tools to ease development.

What we do

We make hobo_vr, a free open source SteamVR driver, and other software and hardware needed for VR development.

You can find the repositories for our projects at our GitHub organization.

Getting started

Using the Driver

Build a tracker, a controller, an HMD, or anything else, using whatever hardware your heart desires. With hobo_vr you can add anything to SteamVR. You can find more info on how to get started here.


A good place to start is our issue tracker, there you can find feature requests, bug reports, archives, conventions and other issues.
The best way to get in touch with us is by opening a issue in our issue tracker or by opening a pull request in one of our repositories.
You should also read our contribution guidelines

We'll be happy to review your patches!


Special thanks to:
 Dungeon Master Dan
 And others